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English is Easy! Fun Learning : Expository Text with Example


There are so many kind of texts in literacy. When I was a kid, I used to learn some commons text such us narrative, procedure, recount and descriptive. As I grew up, I learnt about some other kind of text which I never known before, discussion is one of them. Right when I became a college student of English Literature, at my third semster I heard the word 'Expository Text'.

I decided to write this article to share what I've gotten, so that there are more people learn better about what exactly expository text is.

First of all, we need to know the definition of expository text. Shortly, expository text is non-fiction text written to inform, analyze, or explain a detail about certain topic. This is the most general definition about expository text. However expository text has so many types, they are included cause-and-effect writing, literary analysis, compare-and-contrast writing and report.

Expository text sometimes can be a little bit tricky, due to the fact that it is similar to another kind of text like descriptive, report, procuder, and etc depends on which type of expository text is it. Yet, we shouldn't be worry about that because here we are going to write down some point you have to remember to difference between expository text and the others.

1. Information is a Keyword

We will start from the basic one. Remember that expository text is to inform as its definition. It means that the whole text of expository text will gives an information about what topic is the expository text talking about. With the word 'information' we can difference which text is description the text that describe something, which one is recount the text that retell an event, and which one is expository the text that inform a detailed information about the topic.

2. The Content is Objective

What we are going to read in expository text is based on solid researchers and scientifical theories. Therefore, the opinion of the author is written there. Some expository text may be talk about a same topic, but each text especially conclusion and illustration part is always different because every author has a different idea. This is the reason why we call expository text is objective. 

3. Wacth the Language

Expository text is written in a formal language. As we know that a formal languages are—for me personally— pretty boring sometimes and expository text is based on a research—which i think is confusing—. So, even if expository text uses formal language the vocabulary should be simple to explain concept of the subject. Some expository also uses illistration to avoid the readers loose the idea.

Anyway, it is still about languages in expository text. In an expository text it is important to use a connector. There are so many connectors we can placed in the beginning of new pargraph to take leading role. The pargraoh can be cohesion or coherence. As example : Thus, For example, First of all, Finally, and etc.

Here is an example of expository text:

Penpal Correspondence Increases Cross-Cultural Understanding

The problem of this century is the problem of color lines or racism. There are so many people aren’t aware about racism, a simple word they speak as a comment to a minor race or ethnicity is an example of how people don’t realize theybare bring racist. Some coments such us :

“Why don’t you wear make up to light up you skin tone.”

“This make up is going to make your eyes bigger and not slant anymore.”

“You are cute, but your accent is kinda annoying.”

To teach in today’s society, what everyone needs us to acquire cultural literacy. As we know that normal way of reading or writting a whole textbook can be boring and doesn’t really work to some of people. Therefore, reading and writting can be done in related way. Related to how to learn about the importance of cross-cultural understanding through reading and writting is by having a penpal.

Having a penpal may be seems we only talk by sending and receiving a text from someone in a different place but this activity also teach us about the importance of a relationshiprelationship. In a few weeks, if we talk frequently to a penpal we will starting to get to know each other, having a good relationship, and trusting each other. Opening the door to genuine the cultural difference is the first benefit of penpal correspondence.

Secondly is teaching and learning through shared experience. With the good relationship we have build with our penpal we will trust them to listen to some experience we may haven’t told anyone else. The experience related to our culture or how different people in our place and the penpal’s surrounding. We can also share about a bad memories of being bullied because of we are minority or something like that. As a good freind who have known each other, a pen pal will understand how our feeling is about the bad experience. It works two ways, when our penpal shared about their experience we will also understand. This understanding we have developed together is what teach us to learn about how important to open a heart for a different culture.

Last but not least is the cultural literacy. As what we have said earlier that cultural literacy is what everyone needs to learn more about cross-cultural understanding, by having a penpal we learn with this method. We probably do not notice that when we are talking to a penpal we do write our texts or letters and they are going to reply with the same way, it means every letter or text our penpal send are going to be read by us. Reading a theory in a textbook, then write  note about it only works 30% but another way of reading and writting especially the fun one such us talking to a penpal works better. Becauss by reading and writting a letter or text to penpal we aren’t only learning but also practicing to understand a different culture of our penpal.

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