Crime Festival-Amateur Detectives in a Fiction
Detectives ID presented another interesting event for Crime Festival through Instagram live. An event entitled "Amateur Detectives in a...
Detectives ID presented another interesting event for Crime Festival through Instagram live. An event entitled "Amateur Detectives in a...
Ongoing- Ceremonial opening of Crime-Fest 2021, a virtual festival for literacy lovers of the criminal genre. There are many Crime-fiction l...
Every May 17th Indonesian commemorate National Bookday. Many Indonesian, especially those who are into literature has their own way to cel...
Free Virtual Booktalk with Tereliye There are alot of things we can do while waiting for Iftar during this Ramadan month. If you are into ...
Spending time with family and watching religious films is one of the best ways to do to enjoy Eid holidays. Mainpicturesofficial will releas...
Since their decision to step away from the royal duties at 2020 and move to US for an independen life, Prince Hary's family had taken ...
Who doesn't know Ernest Prakasa? Comic, who won third place in the Stand Up Comedy program on one of Indonesia television channel, start...
KRI Nanggala-402, which on Wednesday 21/4/2021 carried out dives containing 53 crew members, was declared lost contact on the same day aft...
21 April, peringatan Hari Nasional Kartini adalah tonggak penting atas perjuangan Raden Ajeng Kartini sebagi pelopor dan pejuang kemajuan ...
Dee Lestari a modern Kartini. 21 April, the commemoration of Kartini National Day is an important milestone in the struggle of Raden Ajeng K...
After the #ShopeeTindasKurir hashtag were trending on Twitter, Shopee Indonesia raised its voice regarding this matter. Indonesia, April 11,...
10 April 2021, 14.00 WIB. Malang, East Java, was shaken by an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.7. Reporting from BMKG, the epicenter was a...
Sebuah postingan oleh akun Azmy Jainurry Jaka ramai menjadi bahan perbincangan warganet. Dalam postingan bertulis: " Lokasi kejadian...
A post by a Facebook accouny Azmi Jaenurry Jaka, has been a busy topic of conversation among netizens. In a post with the caption, " ...
Semarang Theater Activisits celebrate the 'Drowning Process' of World Theater Day. Match, 29-2021. Nihay Ridani—AhoChord Photo by ...
December, 11 2020 by Nihay Ridani Sebuah gambar hasil tangkap layar dari ponsel pintar memuat tagline berita "Ke 4 pengikut Rizieq Sh...
Penyaluran Banpres Produktif Usaha Mikro (BPUM) menuai keluhan dari masyarakat. Pasalnya, puluhan warga yang sebelumnya dinyatakan lolos d...
Belakangan ini, santer beredar video yang menggegerkan jagat maya. Dalam video berdurasi satu menit tersebut, tampak sebuah pintu yang diged...
Sebuah peristiwa yang terjadi pada Rabu, 4 November 2020 menggegerkan masyarakat Bombongan, Kecamatan Makale, Kabupaten Tana Toraja, Sulaw...
Unggahan di media sosial twitter oleh akun @m_fikris yang mengungkapkan dirinya mendapatkan pelecehan seksual oleh salah seorang mahasiswa p...